Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Katie's first day...and night in the cast.

Katie's surgery went very well.  They got us in an hour early and we were on our way home by noon.  She made it all the way to Bliss before she realized she couldn't move.  Then she was extremely frustrated.  She was also very hungry most of the day.  She enjoys being in the bean bag chair and playing with her toys but she really just wants held.  I think she has a bit of a tummy ache.  She had her first poop this morning and it was clear up the cast.  I can only hope I got it all.  Last night was...less than wonderful.  I think she may have slept an entire hour only twice.  I was up with her every few minutes.  I think that may have had to do a lot with the tummy.  She would snuggle up and go back to sleep.  I did notice at three this morning that her pillow was wet.  I panicked thinking we had already ruined the cast.  She wasn't very wet but I changed her shirt and everything anyway.  Not completely sure what happened.  Hopefully we can get some rest today.  A friend is bringing over a different swing.  Katie doesn't fit in ours anymore.  I also had to put away the high chair and bouncy seat.  I may not have been as completely prepared as I thought I was.  I have some pictures on my phone and will try to get some up today.  I am going to try and rest.  Garrett is going to go play at daycare for a while today.  He doesn't quite know about all of this.  We told him Katie had to get big bandaids on her legs and he seemed fine with them yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Eliza sometimes gets horrible night sweats. Just on her head and her hair will be soaking wet and soaks her pillow! She may have just has one of those. Hope your day is going good today!
